Jocelyn & Daniela at the Pacific


Leprosy, Eco Village, and Nepal

Progress in Nepal

As we bike across the country, learning from and connecting with people, overcoming the physical challenges of 100-mile days and the mental challenge climbing even when we can hardly breathe, I keep thinking about Nepal, and holding all those people who suffer from leprosy and poverty in my thoughts. I think about their obstacles in Kathmandu. I also think about the challenges Krishna Gurung and his family and team face as they build the new eco-village for people with leprosy and other disadvantages. The Kevin Rohan Memorial Eco-Friendly village is well underway!

Right now doctor Singh and doctor Umesh are working in the newly opened clinic. Over 100,000 Rupees- worth of drugs were sent to the clinic, so patients can receive proper treatment.

Two leprosy patients were just given jobs in the garden and the tailor shop.

Krishna Gurung traveled to western Kathmandu to assess the need and provide sick or needy people the opportunity to move to the Kevin Rohan eco-village to receive treatment, shelter, food, and community.

Many of the buildings have been completed thanks to Krishna's team, the numerous volunteers, the surrounding neighbors, and the patients and eco-village community members.

The village is growing and reaching out to the sick and poor of Kathmandu as we make our way mile at a time across the country. I wish I could be there in Nepal building, farming, teaching, and helping with everyone, but this summer my contribution to the eco-village is simply exposing it to America. Jocelyn and I have spoken with countless people about leprosy and the eco-village in Nepal. Although we are just spreading awareness, sometimes a single conversation can inspire someone to make a bigger difference.

I am extremely impressed by the progress in Nepal; community development is not an easy endeavor (far more difficult than any mountain we will climb).

Thank you Krishna and everyone building the KEvin Rohan Memorial eco Friendly village in Kathmandu, Nepal!

Keep up the good work!




  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Dear Daniela and Jocelyn,

    Spreading such words about this corner of the World to many people you come across would help KRMEF come very successful. I have no words to thank you and to explain the people I meet. Your energy and the inspiration have made us go with smooth and fast. I have shown the site to many of my friends including Dr. Singh. I will keep on posting the new happenings here.Many more things yet to come. Thank you once again and we all are with you through out your bike journey. See you in next mail. Krishna and KRMEF team.

  3. Great and super great ! Such a wonderful thing to read. Thank you for being so corrageous and helping Nepal. Madina, Pohkara, Nepal

  4. Hi there! We've been following you since you left on the flat and awful Katy Trail - I wish it had been more forgiving! Next time you can take the Ozark route. We're so impressed with your energy and enthusiasm, and your commitment to your cause. Keep it up and keep blogging, we love hearing your tales. Love from the Lowells
