Jocelyn & Daniela at the Pacific


Ely, Nevada

So yesterday we were getting some serious cabin fever in Cedar City (we had been there way too long!). Yesterday afternoon we ended up meeting the only hippies in the Mormon town and ended up chilling at their place all afternoon. They had so many great books on their shelves- Michael Pollan, Snow Leopard, Ishmael, etc. It was great!

We then cruised around town somewhat creepily, looking for this lady who allegedly hosts cyclists: Celine Dion.
Just kidding- it's Celine something. She's not in the yellow pages so don't try looking her up. So after a long and unsuccessful search involving questions at the gas station like "excuse me, do you know where Celine the cyclist hostess lives?"... blank stares, we went to the deputy Sheriff. He was terse but helpful. He said he was not allowed to snoop in the secret police "yellow pages" but disappeared into the office anyways. He came back and told us he had spoken with Celine on the phone and she welcomed us to join them for dinner (they were just sitting down to eat). Thank you Mr. Sheriff!

So we biked up the steep canyon hill to her cookie cutter house. At first everything seemed typical, but soon we were exposed to some unfamiliar Mormon culture. The son had a fantastic mullet though- it was pretty legit. It was important for us to experience Utah LDS family life before we left the state. Accomplished!

So this morning we wanted to get out of town asap but first Jocelyn had her final Instacare visit. She is allowed to ride in 48 hours! YippY! best news all trip!

We got a ride to Milford with a very nice lady and her daughter. There we ate an entire head of lettuce and some beans and salsa. We got two vanilla milkshakes and thumbed it. (We really wanted to make it to Ely because Jocey can't bike yet). So this guy in a mini van pulls over. We didn't think he seemed sketchy at first, so we put our bikes on the rack and piled in. We were paranoid hitch hikers, not having had very much experience...the whole time each of us was planning defence and escape. Nothing happened and now we are in Ely, Nevada- YAY!

Will post tomorrow

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