Jocelyn & Daniela at the Pacific


Thinking of Nepal

Right now, Krishna, Leela, other permanent staff, foreign volunteers, local villagers, and leprosy patients are working to build the Kevin Rohan eco village in Kathmandu, Nepal. This summer, as we are on our bikes, members of the Bard Leprosy Relief Project traveled to Nepal to participate in the development of the eco village. Christeena, a junior at Bard College, will return in the fall with handicrafts made by eco village members and people suffering from leprosy. We will sell these goods on campus as we did last semester, raising funds and community awareness.

I wanted to talk a bit about our project on campus in this post because I have learned this summer that people who may have no relationship with the cause have really good ideas about fund raising, participating in development, networking, grant-proposing, and raising awareness. Can anyone suggest productive ways for our group at Bard to support the Kevin Rohan Eco Village this fall?
We have 13 members, financial resources, and lots of energy. What can we do beyond what we've been doing?

All ideas, no matter how far-fetched are welcome! We made it to Utah on bicycles- we can do anything!

Thank you for your support:)

Today we will remain in Cedar City, hanging out with some improv kids we met and buying Jocey paints and canvas.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your compassion for people affected by leprosy. As the United States' oldest and largest non-profit dedicated to curing and caring for people with leprosy and related diseases worldwide, we are always thankful when people are reminded that this forgotten disease is still a cruel reality in developing countries.
    -Sarah Hesshaus, Communications Manager, American Leprosy Missions
